Hello Wood River Community – Please help the Lewis Family repair their roof so they can move home!

We need financial assistance now!

Mathew and Ella Lewis and their 3 children find themselves in a home that despite having had a home inspection when purchased in 2020, had an ice dam last winter that resulted in roof damage. When roof repair started, the city stated that the home’s roof trusses were not adequate for residential space and need to be reinforced by doubling the current trusses, and the walls had inadequate sheathing and need to be reinforced (the garage was converted by a previous owner into 3 bedrooms and 2 baths – the city didn’t require any roof or truss modification at that time). The family had to move out of their home.

It has been very long and difficult to get bids, but we finally have a bid for labor $21,600. We just got an updated bid from 84 Lumber. Mathew Lewis has obtained bids for materials and is working on getting them updated as he’s been advised that prices have gone up. After months of searching for a contractor willing and affordable, we finally have a contractor who is raring to go but the Lewis family needs to find the money to do this, and so we are reaching out.

They do not have the money to do this, and because of Covid they missed payments and had to do a loan modification. Because of the missed payments and loan modification, despite many, many phone calls and applications pursuing any sort of financing option, they have been denied at every turn. The house is currently uninhabitable. They desperately need to find a way to get this done and are looking for financial assistance.

We are working with the Blaine County Charitable Foundation (BCCF) to try to put together a group to find the estimated $70,000 cost. We have a number of pledges but have a long way to go!

Please take the time to read their story and see if you can pledge (through Anna Mathieu or Blaine County Charitable Foundation) or contribute through GoFundMe. We feel like we’ve exhausted all other avenues and are desperate for a solution. We also are searching for other ideas of organization and individuals who might be able to help. Suggestions encouraged and Please Share!

The Lewis Family GoFundMe page: https://gofund.me/06577bce

Thank you very much,

Mathew and Ella Lewis,

Anna Mathieu