Old Cutters – Development Parcel 8 units
Welcome to Old Cutters
Hailey’s Premier Neighborhood
Development Opportunity:
Lot 9 is a cottage (6 units) and duplex (2 unit) development parcel. The duplex may be attached or 2 detached stand-alone homes. The development agreement and CC&Rs already prescribe the density so while there is a subdivision process, there will be no debate about the number or size of homes that can be built.
Size: 0.88 acres
Density: 8 units
Price: $1,195,000
MLS: 23-331412 |

Here are some handy links!
FAQs Old Cutters – updated Dec 2023
Amended & Restated CC&Rs for Old Cutters

Here are some examples of cottage developments at Old Cutters.
Sonitalena Cottages:

Rimrock Cottages: